This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS. Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you see these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random it is, just type it! Repost it for all of your (bored) friends.
Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this!
1. Beer: heineken
2. Food: bakwan malang
3. Relationships: broken
4. Your crush: curly and tall
5. Power Rangers: go go power rangers
6. Life: simple
7. The President: soeharto
8. Yummy: tummy
9. Cars: CRV
10. Movies: xxi
11. Halloween: party
12. Sex: and the city
13. Religion: love is not religion
14. Hate: love
15. Fear: factor
16. Marriage: damage
17. Blondes: hair
18. Slippers: foot
19. Shoes: heels
20. Asians: american
21. Past time: present
22. One night stand: relationship
23. My cell phone: red
24. Smoke: hot (smoking hot getoh)
25. Fantasy: destiny
26. College: mit
27. High school life: pasopati plaveta
28. Pajamas: bananas
29. Stars: twinkle-ing
30. Center: of the world
31. Alcohol: drunk
32. The word love: will find you if you try
33. Friends: tasia risa
34. Money: i need
35. Heartache: tootache
36. Time: machine
37. Divorce: marriage
38. Dogs: niki
39. Undies: white
40. Parents: jems
41. Babies: genius
42. Ex: tainment
43. Song: sing
44. Color: pink
45. Weddings: kebaya
46. Pizza: hut.
47. Hangout: friends
48. Rest: in peace
50. Inspiration: ituloh yang iklan rokok
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