Wednesday, April 21, 2010

just another thought

pernah ga sih lo pengen bisa mati untuk satu hari, ya lalu kemudian hidup lagi. cuma buat ngeliat reaksi orang2. kalo gue sih, gue sering mikir siapa ya kira2 yang bakal nangisin kepergian gue paling heboh, siapa yang bakal memendam tangisannya tp sebenernya paling sedih? siapa yang bakal ngedoain gue paling banyak, siapa yang malah seneng akan kematian gue? lalu gimana sih perasaan temen2 gue, gue pengen tau aja gitu, gue gimana sih dimata mereka? gimana musuh(musuh) gue? apa mereka memaafkan gue? apa mereka nyesel udah bermusuhan sama gue? atau... mereka malah seneng? gimana sama orang yang gue hutangin, atau yang punya hutang sama gue? apa mereka akan bersyukur atau malah sedih?

ya, gue pengen tau semua itu, kalo lo gmn? kalau nih ya kalau kita dikasih kesempatan ngeliat hari kematian kita, mungkin kita bisa menata hidup. kita bisa bersikap lebih baik sama orang, lebih beribadah. tapi.... mungkin juga kita malah jadi ngawur, jadi lepas kendali dan tobat disaat2 terakhir. ya, semua itu sudah baik begini. udah baik gue ga tau siapa yang bakal nangis paling kenceng, atau siapa yang bakal paling menyesali kepergian gue, dan siapa yang mensyukuri. kalau gue tau pasti gue bakal kesel sama yang ga begitu sedih sama kepergian gue hahahaha. yaaa cuma mikir aja sih :p

Thursday, April 15, 2010

new project

please follow @LifeQuotes on twitter :) it's my newest project. help me increase my followers :) please RT, follow @LifeQuotes.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


someone is hijacking my msn messenger, please delete my account a.s.a.p! may the fuckin bitch burn in the fuckin hell. If you see "me" online and say terrible things, "me" is not me!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

bored enough?

1. Spell your name without an E,F,R,S,H,K,I,M,L,C,A,Y,N:
hd m

2. Are you single?
ya huh

3. What is your favorite number?
can't decide

4. What is your favorite color?

5. Least favorite color?
 army green

6. What are you listening to?
the sound of the air conditioner

7. Are you happy with your life right now?
yap, this is enough

8. Are you involved with anyone?

9. What is your favorite subject in school/college?

10. Do you shop at Abercrombie?
nope, i dont even know what is Abercrombie, sorry

11. Do you have money?
20ribu rupiah

14. Are you afraid of the dark?
yes, but i sleep in the dark

15. Where do you wish you were right now?
at ....'s house

16. What should you be doing right now?
 study math, i have an exam tmrrw

Can you blow a bubble? yeah
Can you do a cart wheel?no
Can you touch your toes? yeah
Can you wiggle your ears? yes!
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? cannot

Did you ever want to be a doctor? yao
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?no
Did you ever want to be a teacher? english teacher at wallstreet/ef, yes.
Do you like roller coasters? yeah
Do you play the lotto? naah
Do you like football? naah
Do you have a shopping addiction? TO-TA-LLY

Does your family have family picnics? no
Does your wallet have any pics in it? yeah

Last person you hung out with? icho
Last car ride? With my father from dewa to my house
Last text message from? cyko
Last baby you held? raja

What was the last thing you bought? friskies for kitten
What was the last thing you had to drink? aqua
What was the last thing you watched? REMEMBER ME :D
What was the last thing you read? breaking dawn-not finished yet, ehhh gogirl deng
What was the last thing you hand wrote? my chemistry notes

Who last talked to you on the phone? my mom
Who was the last person you took a picture of? geche/aca/sacil/ebon
Who do you miss right now? my cruzhs & rudel
Who last messaged you on msn or aim? aca

What color shirt are you wearing? blue
Have you any tattoo? no
Have you any piercings? ear
Where are you? my sister's room

pillows, more pillows, dolls, pink,more pinks, marie


1. Want a relationship? yes yes yeessss
2. Wanna get married? later

1. him
2. rudel im not lying

The way to win your heart? you have to be ..... or had been a ......

When was the last time you really laughed?
like 1 hour ago, saby's pose was funny

Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
How long is your hair?
i am curly! it's supposed to be same with my elbow, if it doesn't mm curled

When was the last time you sang out loud?
1 minute ago

What did you have for breakfast?
spicy wing

Is your birthday on a holiday?

What instant messaging service do you use?

Are you signed on it right now and if so, who are you talking to?
MSN: no one

Can you cook?
very well

Did you have a nap today?
did not

What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?

When is your birthday?
June 15th

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
bali, i guess

Do you have any regrets?

Use an alarm clock?
no, why should i?

What color is your favorite pair of shoes?
pink <3

Who would you like to see right now?
you know who & jamie aditya & drummernya lyla (maaf) & ROBERT PATINSON

Are you a social or antisocial person?

Do you have a tan?

Ever had braces?

What's your favorite commercial at the moment?
LA light indie fest ;p

Do you always wear your seat belt?only when my father drives
Do you know what you want to do with your life?
i;m lost

How is life going for you right now?
not bad at all
Do you like American Idol?
used to, when season 2 &3

What was the last reason you cried?
robpatz died in "remember me"

Do you believe that what goes around comes around?

What is your favorite fruit?

Where is one place you want to visit?

Have you ever crawled through a window?
yes, labscool

Are you a morning person or a night person?
..... i am a human anyway, why do you care
Are you a forgiving person?

Are you taller than 5'6"?
163cm, tell me

Who are your(MMYYY) really really really good friends?
tasia risa ebon ico sacil gc aca


jadi hari rabu nih malem, casa antia amira ntn imogen heap, hp gue matiin kan. pas jam 11 apa 12 gitu gue nyalain kok geter2 byk bgt lebay, PING2 mulu. taunya antia: HEIIII ADA RYAN DMASIV DEPAN GW!! PING! PING! PING! PING! HEI RYAN DMASIV HEI! PING! pake kemeja yg dipake di award!!! PING! gue yg udah ngantuk bnr2 males, sakit hati, nanggepinnya, lgsg tidur. Jadi gini......... gue tuh dituduh suka dmasiv!!! pdhl ngga!!!!!1 SUMPAH GUE GA SUKA DMASIV. gue emg suka nyanyiin lagu2nya (maaf) tp gue ga sukaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! dan parahnya lg pas lg baca hai rame2 gue blg eh ini siapa ganteng deh, pas gue baca............... ryan dmasiv, shit. gara2 itukah gue dituduh massivers? shit, nyesel gue.

Friday, April 2, 2010

benda2 yg menempel di dinding

jadi pas hari selasa apa rabu gitu, apa senin gue kan ke kantin nih sama antia. pas di depan koperasi si antia bilang "hei sepatu gue bagus kan" nah gue ngakak tuh ngeliat sepatunya kok lebih putih dari kaos kakinya, terus gue berencana blg "sumpah lawak bgt ti wkakaka" ketawa2 eh pas baru mau ngomong gue kejedot kenceng bgt, sakit bgt parah. lo tau ga di depan koperasi kan ada yg alat listrik2 itu loh box kayu yg setinggi jidat gue, apes bgt apes bgt. langsung antia dah yg ngetawain gua -.- by the way itu box emang berbahaya si tanya jg kejedot disitu.

nah ini beda lg, jd dikelas tuh ada kaya rak quran, gitu isinya macem2 deh gitu kan tingginya pas sekepala gue, jd kalo gue agak jinjit atau pake sepatu yg berhak 1 cm aja tuh gue bakal kejedut nah gue lg duduk dibawahnya kan, trs si tanya jg sebelah gue dia berdiri ga knapa2 kan, yaudah sontak gue berdiri, anjrit sakit bgt be. bgt. bgt. stres gue, untung buku2nya pada kg jatoh. ga bisa diturunin aja apa? atau dinaikin lg 15 cm gitu? si noel dan radifan jg pernah kejedot sampe buku2nya jatoh gt, hm parah ya. yaudah semoga banyak kejedot di 70 membuat gua jadi pinter, amin