The best way to "attempt this" would be to stay in your own home and imagine it, layering on dreamy details as you see fit. Because, let's be honest:
Your goal is self-delusional, with a healthy pinch of creepy thrown in for good measure, whether you say you are "crazed" or not. And before I even attempt to broaden this answer with some of my trademark helpful research, I have a question for you.
Why would you leave your country—Pattinson isn't expected to shoot Breaking Dawn anywhere near Indonesia—for a split-second encounter with an actor who will almost certainly blow you off?
What makes you think he'd ever want to go out to "dinner or drinks" with a stranger outside of his industry and to whom he has nothing to say? and speak different languange with him? Do you really think the two of you will settle in for a pint, split a platter of hot wings and laugh over all the little things you have in common?
All that said, let's assume I have readers out there with more realistic goals—say, Pattinson's autograph, or even a photo with the actor.
That I can handle.
It won't be easy. Even when a celebrity draws close to fans—say, at a Comic-Con-like fanboy gathering, or via your typical arm's-length, security-goon-choked movie premiere—scoring an introduction can be tough.
It won't be easy. Even when a celebrity draws close to fans—say, at a Comic-Con-like fanboy gathering, or via your typical arm's-length, security-goon-choked movie premiere—scoring an introduction can be tough.
That goes double for Pattinson, whose propensity for driving fans insane has resulted in an even higher level of squirrelly behavior. Bodyguards are almost de rigeur for Pattinson; if he doesn't feel like mingling, he'll tell his bodyguard, and you'll be lucky to walk away without a flattened nose, much less a crushed ego.
So, your best chances for an autograph? Catch Pattinson on location, and not in a large city. Pattinson shot Remember Me in New York, where he was besieged by mewling fans. But out in Louisiana, where Pattinson is expect to shoot much of Breaking Dawn, you need to get a life!
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